performing the gallery


Zach Begg

Skin Deep(er) – Final Blog Post

Fetishised, Masculine, Meditative, Queer, Rebellious. Five vessels are used to explore their own identities and those imposed upon them. We invite you to come and observe this silent piece of performance art.   A performative piece of art with five performers… Continue Reading →

The Artist is Present.

Having missed the previous week, I was keen to get back in to Site-Specific and broaden my understanding on the topic, and upon learning that we would be watching “The Artist Is Present”, a Documentary about a large piece in… Continue Reading →

An Introduction to Site-Specific Performance

For a module that was often slated by older students, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Site-Specific Performance was much more interesting than it had been made out to be. When we were given the chance to explore the… Continue Reading →

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