performing the gallery

Final Blog Post – The Preserved, the Documented and the Ephemeral

Framing Statement The artist’s performance framing statement accompanying The Preserved, the Documented, and the Ephemeral: Andrew Bracey’s gallery of ReconFigured paintings was the previous exhibition shown in this space. They concerned the idea of preservation and value in art, in… Continue Reading →

Final Blog Post – Communitea – Daniel Smith

COMMUNITEA Framing Statement “In nothing is the English genius for domesticity more notably declared than in the institution of this festival—almost one may call it so—of afternoon tea. Beneath simple roofs, the hour of tea has something in it of… Continue Reading →

#NoFilter – Final blog submission

On Saturday 9th May 2015 #NoFilter was performed to the public within the Usher Gallery in Lincoln City, United Kingdom. With strong influence from Marina Abramovic’s practice to utilise and push the physical boundaries of the human body as seen… Continue Reading →

Final Performance Blog-Skin Deep(er)

Influenced by artists such as Marina Abramovich, Brett Bailey and Guillermo Gomez-Pena, we sought to create a deeply personal piece, that challenged us physically, emotionally and mentally. The result was Skin Deep(er), a performative piece of art with 5 performers… Continue Reading →

Blind Faith: Final Blog Post

(Instructions on desk Photographer: Fenia Kotsopoulou) Framing Statement My performance is called Blind faith. I aim to dismantle the assumptions about power, privilege and knowledge that go into accessing art. I will do this by having a piece’s, but through several… Continue Reading →

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