‘We remain Fascinated with how technology creates new cultural spaces’ (Blast Theory, 2015) Blast Theory’s early work began as live art but as time and technology has expanded this has become less apparent – Or has it become twenty first century live art?
Looked at two pieces of their work (one of their earliest pieces and another more recent)
Invisible Bullets (1997)
This performance was a re-enactment of a murder scene, which lasted 12 hours. The performance was repeated the same scene in several different ways for example one with balaclava’s and one where the performers were in their underwear others were done seriously or parodied. The performance was done in Nottingham and Germany; the building in Nottingham was created specifically for the performance. This related to a past murder scene but as it was undetermined, which re-enactment was the correct way as there was so many past alternatives. The space used was a large and open area and used to be a pedestrian (walk in). The audience and spectators were directly in sight of the performances. The performance was documented through video and was promoted through a video in the style of an artists music video. Moreover the access of the performance was performed in both Nottingham and Germany.
Ghost Writer (2011)
This performance was a phone call which was inspired from ‘a million objects gives rise to a million thoughts’ (Blast Theory, 2015) I believe this implies artefacts/art inspire everyone and there are millions of different aspects of the same thing. The audience listens to a recording giving instructions and describing what you can see. It gives stimuluses’ allowing the audience to create their own performance. It suggest where you may go within the building and makes you question who, what, where, why and how. The technology of today makes you question how thing worked in the past moreover makes the distinction of what is the past and what is now (The Present). The audience ultimately are the performance – They choose the path they take. This was documented through the recording and videos.
Blast Theory (2015) Our History & Approach. [online] England: Blast Theory Available from http://www.blasttheory.co.uk/our-history-approach/[Accessed 14 February 2015].
Blast Theory (2015) Ghostwriter. [online] England: Blast Theory Available from http://www.blasttheory.co.uk/projects/ghostwriter/[Accessed 14 February 2015].
Photo is my own Photography.
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