performing the gallery


Thomas Canner

Working as a TEAm

Danny and I re-evaluated our prior performance idea where we explored segregation as an irrational concept, however we were just performing a segregational act. We wanted to show that, as a community, everyone can exist and be from their differences… Continue Reading →

Class dismissed?

Danny and I had similar thoughts in relation to the final site specific performance and met up to discuss certain aspects that we wanted to explore and present. We began very general before homing down our thoughts. The initial discussion… Continue Reading →

Mirrored Topography

I really wanted to set a task where my partner had to consider, not just the art in the building but the building as art. The architecture of the museum is shadowed by the more prominent art within it, however… Continue Reading →

A Machine to See With

Blast Theory’s ‘A Machine to See With’ explores the relevance of the audience within performance and spaces. It premièred in the city of San Rose where members offer their phone number to the system and at any point, they are… Continue Reading →

Creation or degeneration?

I had my first visit to the Usher Gallery on the 28th of January, as one of many future visits in preparation for a performance, View Points, around the collection. This performance will only be able to function within and… Continue Reading →

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