performing the gallery


Site Specific

Emotional and Analytical Reproductions

One of the Artists whose work has influenced the development of my performance is Sophie Calle, who I came across when researching the ephemeral in Peggy Phelan’s Unmarked. Particularly her work on paintings stolen in 1990 from the Garnder Museum… Continue Reading →

An Artist Should Avoid Falling In Love With Another Artist.

Marina Abramovic ‘The Artist is Present’. The documentary based about Marina’s performance piece in MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) in New York. This feature length film shows how Marina pushes her body to the extremes, in both past performances and… Continue Reading →

When you have found somewhere you like, give yourself a name.

As part of our research into site specific performances we were set the tasks of analysing two companies and studying their methods. Our reading group decided to focus on Blast Theory and Forced Entertainment. In our reading group we chose… Continue Reading →

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