My task was for a single participant to find a piece of art work they liked and answer the following questions based on sex life and sexuality of the artist.

1.) What is the sexual orientation of the artist?

2.) Has the artist been involved in abusive or controlling relationships?

3.) What was their sexuality and sex life like?

4.) Were they happy in their relationship status?

5.) Has any of this effected the piece of art?

These questions were to identify whether the sexual aspects of the artist’s life affected the art in any way. Moreover the topic choice was due to a genuine interest into how a passion for gender and sexuality can influence art.

The participant answers to the questions were

  • 1: Straight, it would appear
  • 2: The woman in the painting looks like she could be controlling, so maybe
  • 3: Quite Passionate
  • 4: The absence of the man could mean unfulfillment
  • 5: It’s made me think more about the woman

These questions worked well as it is clear my participant has analysed a piece of art using my question based on sexuality and relationships.
