In every performance there are going to be issues especially when we are doing site-based work. The location has a HUGE impact on our work and when problems do arise it can be worrying, as it can be damaging to our performance. Performing in the Usher gallery means we have to be respectful of their health and safety requirements as well as thinking of our own. By choosing to perform in this location we have to think about what or who is surrounding us. There are certain things that we are not allowed to bring into them gallery because it may damage their art, such as water or pens. Some people may say it may limit our creativity by these constraints, as performers we want to be able to use or do whatever we think will make our piece amazing. So surely performing in a theatre is easier as you get the freedom you want? However choosing to do site specific it’s about allowing the location to influence you and how you can use the ‘constraints’ to work in your favour. Don’t see it as a boundary, but a push into the right direction.
With Blast Theory’s, Can You See Me Now? (2001) Blast Theory used online gamers and putting them into a virtual city, based on the actual city, where they would try not to be caught by the runners. Whilst the people at home were playing the game, the performers who were the runners actually ran around the city attempting to catch the gamers and photographed where they found them in the city. The runners used GP’s to help connect them to the online game, though this piece came with its own issues too. The GP’s would stop working if the runners went down a narrow alley or tall building. However they solved this problem by luring the gamers into large out spaces which meant their technology wouldn’t fail. So again, every location may come with its own issues it’s about not letting them dictate your performance.
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