The performance day is drawing closer and with that means our book is coming into the final stages. We came into some problems when we first tested the book out on other people in the class. We found that our directions to at the top of the page to get to each piece of artwork were quite poor. We were noticing that people were wandering around the gallery hoping to spot the art they were looking for. To combat this we went to the usher gallery website and looked at their map. From this we created our own and numbered each room to help with the clarity of our directions.

map of usher

Before going back too the gallery to test out the map referencing for the first time i was nervous that it would be to complicated to follow and would be worse than before the map. However when we did go back to test it we found it was a lot simpler to find the room where the art was and also where in the room it was allocated. To be sure that our directions are understandable we have written a sentence that also helps to direct the reader. The sentence is still needed as when it comes to the paintings that are on the staircase or the statues in the centre of the rooms or in the middle of two rooms it is still needed as there is not a clear map reference for them.


When it came to the creation of our book we stuck upon a problem. None of us new an easy way to print off the content so it is formatted like a book. What we did to make it simpler for us to work out the order the pages needed to be in was to create a small mock version of our book, and numbering the pages so we knew what to number the pages in the word document.


photos of bookBy doing this we could work out how to order the pages in a word document so when printed on both sides the pages would be in the right order. The final things to do to the book are just small tweaks to the narratives and final adjustments to continuity of the appearance.