performing the gallery


Emma Kinsey

Blast Theory

One of Blast Theory’s earliest performances was Invisible Bullets in 1997. The performance surrounded a murder taking place which was re-enacted a number of times in many different styles. These styles ranged from a pop video, parody to the performers… Continue Reading →

Response to performance texts

This week’s task was to create a performance text inspired by work with The Usher Gallery and Collection. These performance texts were varied with some being based on a certain piece of art and some allowing the audience to choose… Continue Reading →

Performance Text

What art/ history is in the centre? The range within The Usher Gallery and The Collection starts around half a million years ago to the present day. When considering a performance to represent the time range, what I have thought… Continue Reading →

John Berger/ Ways of Seeing (1972)

Episode 1 Paintings are representations of what the artist sees and how he portrays reality that is within the painting. Painting are therefore the artists’ perspective. A photograph is what the world sees and wants to see. This cannot be… Continue Reading →

Teaching/Archaeology- Mike Pearson and Micheal Shanks.

In this reading Pearson and Shanks present to us the comparisons between theatre and archaeology. ‘Performance and archaeology are social practices, or modes of cultural production,’ (Pearson, Shanks, 2001, 53) within this they are both connected to art, and create… Continue Reading →

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